
Our Blog

We are a year 5/6 (9-10 year olds) class from Bairds Mainfreight Primary School in Auckland, NZ.

You can see some of our learning that took place in Room 12 in 2010 and 2011.

NB: I have moved to a new school now so this blog is no longer active. You are still welcome to comment and look at the great fun we had over the past two years.

Thank you for all the lovely comments :)
Tara T-J
Contact : (@taratj on Twitter)

Friday, November 5, 2010

In celebration of open education...

The concept of open source and free sharing of technological information existed long before computers. For example, cooking recipes have been shared since the beginning of human culture.

For the rest of the term we will be looking at recipes as a part of our writing programme.

We would like any kids or teachers of any level of any schools or ECEs to post their favourite (inexpensive) recipe as a comment and we will try to replicate it for you. We will be filming our process and posting your recipes as a cooking show.

Many Thanks :)


  1. This is really yummy, easy and inexpensive when courgettes are in season (and they are super easy to grow too - we are growing them at Kindergarten to make this with). It doesn't taste like courgettes, it is just delicious and everyone who tries it wants the recipe. I add lots of vegetables to the mix to make it even better and it comes out like a quiche/fritatta. Bon apetite!

    Zucchini/Courgette Slice

    375g zucchini/courgette grated
    1 large onion finely chopped
    3 rashers bacon chopped
    1 cup grated cheese
    ½ cup (8 tblspns) oil
    5 eggs

    Stir together then add 1 cup self raising flour.

    30 – 40 mins @ 180.

    Can add mushrooms, asparagus, spinach etc to make vege quiche.

  2. Gratin de pommes de terre

    - 1.5 kg de pommes de terre
    - 1 litre de lait
    - 1 petite bouteille de crème liquide
    - 1 gousse d ail écrasée
    - sel, poivre

    Eplucher et laver les pommes de terre
    Couper les pommes de terres en tranches fines
    Faire chauffer le lait, l'ail, le sel et le poivre dans une casserole
    Ajouter les pommes de terre et faire cuire 1/4 d heure
    Faire chauffer le four à 180
    Mettre les pommes de terre avec le lait dans un plat à four
    Faire cuire pendant 1 heure.
    Délicieux avec une salade verte et/ou un steak!
    Bon appétit! !!!

  3. Okahau Banana Porridge

    Equal cup quantities of:
    Harraway's rolled or Scotch oats
    Full cream milk (purple)
    (One cup will make 2 bowls of porridge)

    Bring to a bubble on high - stir stir stir
    Turn down to low - stir less
    Mash 1 banana in a bowl for every cup of oats.
    Add mashed banana to the porridge and stir in.
    Dish up - eat hot with added milk, sugar and cinnamon
