
Our Blog

We are a year 5/6 (9-10 year olds) class from Bairds Mainfreight Primary School in Auckland, NZ.

You can see some of our learning that took place in Room 12 in 2010 and 2011.

NB: I have moved to a new school now so this blog is no longer active. You are still welcome to comment and look at the great fun we had over the past two years.

Thank you for all the lovely comments :)
Tara T-J
Contact : (@taratj on Twitter)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

DUCK, DUCK, DUCK................................

Face with boredom as Ralph goes on and on saying duck, duck, duck.
Bart feeling rage inside of him, his cheap looking, little purple crown hanging
crookedly on his little yellow head.

Fat little Ralph is still going round and round hitting every bodies heads
still saying "duck, duck, duck..."
Bart still sitting there more and more anger pouring into his mind.

Ralph is near Bart getting closer and closer still saying "duck, duck, duck..."
Ralph nearly hits Bart on the head until suddenly,
Shouted Bart with so much anger that poor little Ralph gets so scared that tears
fill up in his eyes.
As he runs away crying like a baby (what a crybaby)
every body just sits there silenced.

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